How To Treat Green Nails At Home?

Green nails can occur when fungi, bacteria, or other infections develop beneath the nails, causing them to appear green. Treating green nails at home involves using simple remedies and techniques to address the underlying cause of the discoloration and promote healthy nail growth. 

Are you wondering, “How To Treat Green Nails At Home?” You’re not alone. Many individuals experience this common issue and seek effective solutions they can implement themselves.

Fortunately, with a few easy steps and ingredients commonly found at home, you can take action to address green nails and restore the natural appearance of your nails. To treat green nails at home, start by keeping your nails clean and dry to prevent further infection.

What Causes Nail Fungus On Acrylic Nails?

What Causes Nail Fungus On Acrylic Nails?

Nail fungus on acrylic nails typically results from a combination of factors, primarily stemming from the environment created by acrylic nail application.

Moisture is a significant culprit, as it can become trapped between the acrylic and natural nail, providing an optimal breeding ground for fungal growth. When acrylic nails are improperly applied or removed, they can damage the natural nail bed, making it more susceptible to fungal infections.

Understanding the root causes of nail fungus on acrylic nails is vital for effective prevention. Maintaining proper nail hygiene, such as regularly cleaning and thoroughly drying the nails, can help minimize the risk of fungal growth.

Choosing reputable salons that adhere to strict sanitation practices and ensuring that all equipment used in acrylic nail procedures is properly sterilized can significantly reduce the chances of infection. 

Symptoms Of Fingernail Fungus From Green Acrylic Nails

Fingernail fungus from green acrylic nails manifests through several noticeable symptoms. Firstly, discoloration of the nail, often taking on a greenish hue, is a prominent indicator.

This discoloration can be accompanied by a foul odor emanating from the affected nail. Additionally, the nail may become thickened, brittle, or crumbly in texture. It’s common to observe the nail separating from the nail bed or developing ridges or lines. 

Recognizing the symptoms of fingernail fungus stemming from green acrylic nails is essential for prompt treatment. Early intervention can prevent the spread of the infection and promote nail health.

If you notice any discoloration, odor, or changes in the texture of your nails after acrylic nail application, it’s crucial to seek professional guidance. Consulting a healthcare provider or dermatologist can help determine the best course of action, 

How To Get Rid Of Green Fungus Under Acrylic Nail Treatment?

How To Get Rid Of Green Fungus Under Acrylic Nail Treatment

To effectively eliminate green fungus under acrylic nails, several treatment options can be pursued. Firstly, thorough cleaning and drying of the affected area are crucial. Soaking the nails in a solution of warm water and antibacterial soap can help remove debris and reduce bacterial or fungal growth.

Additionally, applying antifungal treatments such as tea tree oil or over-the-counter antifungal creams directly to the affected area can aid in eradicating the fungus. It’s important to consistently follow these treatments to ensure the fungus is completely eradicated.

Furthermore, proper nail care practices can prevent recurrence. This includes avoiding prolonged wear of acrylic nails and ensuring nails are properly dried after exposure to water. Regularly sanitizing nail tools and avoiding sharing them with others can also reduce the risk of reinfection.

If the green fungus persists or worsens despite home treatment, seeking guidance from a healthcare professional or dermatologist is advisable. They can provide personalized treatment recommendations, which may include prescription-strength antifungal medications or the removal of acrylic nails to facilitate healing.

1. Use Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is renowned for its natural antifungal properties, making it a popular choice for treating various skin and nail conditions. Simply apply a few drops of tea tree oil directly to the affected area to harness its healing benefits and aid in combating fungal infections effectively. 

With its potent antimicrobial properties, tea tree oil offers a gentle yet effective solution for addressing nail fungus, promoting healthier nails.

2. Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy known for its antifungal properties, making it an excellent option for treating nail fungus. Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and apply it directly to the affected nails using a cotton ball or swab.

 Regular application of apple cider vinegar can help kill fungus and bacteria, promoting healthier nail growth and restoring the natural appearance of your nails.

3. Make Baking Soda Paste

Creating a baking soda paste is a simple yet effective way to combat nail fungus. Mix baking soda with water to form a paste, then apply it directly to the affected nails. 

Baking soda’s alkaline nature helps create an environment inhospitable to fungus, making it a natural and affordable solution for treating nail infections.

4. Try Garlic Paste

Garlic paste is a potent antifungal remedy that can help eliminate nail fungus effectively. Crush garlic cloves to create a paste, then apply it directly to the affected nails.

 Garlic’s natural antimicrobial properties can help inhibit fungal growth and promote healthier nails with regular use.

Medical Treatment For Fingernail Fungus On Acrylic Nails

Medical treatment for fingernail fungus on acrylic nails typically involves prescription antifungal medications. These medications may be administered orally or applied topically, depending on the severity of the infection. Oral antifungal drugs such as terbinafine or itraconazole are often prescribed for more severe cases, targeting the fungus from within the body.

In addition to medication, healthcare providers may recommend the removal of acrylic nails to facilitate treatment and prevent further spread of the infection.

This allows for better access to the affected nails and improves the effectiveness of topical antifungal treatments. Dermatologists may also perform procedures such as debridement to remove infected nail material and promote the growth of healthy nails.

How To Prevent Fingernail Fungus From Acrylic Nails

Preventing fingernail fungus from acrylic nails begins with proper nail hygiene. Ensure nails are thoroughly cleaned and dried before and after acrylic nail application to minimize the risk of fungal growth. Additionally, opt for reputable nail salons that follow strict sanitation protocols and use sterilized equipment to reduce the likelihood of infection.

Regular maintenance and care of acrylic nails are essential for prevention. Avoid prolonged wear of acrylic nails and give nails breaks in between applications to allow them to breathe.

Practicing good hand hygiene, such as washing hands frequently and avoiding prolonged exposure to water, can also help prevent fungal infections from developing under acrylic nails.


How Do You Get Rid Of Green Nails Fast?

To quickly eliminate green nails, consider soaking them in a mixture of warm water and antibacterial soap, then applying tea tree oil or diluted apple cider vinegar directly to the affected nails.

Does The Green Nail Go Away On Its Own?

Green nails caused by fungal infections typically do not disappear on their own and may worsen if left untreated. Prompt intervention with appropriate antifungal treatments and proper nail care is essential for resolving the issue.

Why Is My Nail Green After Wearing Fake Nails?

The green discoloration on nails after wearing fake nails may be due to trapped moisture and bacteria between the artificial and natural nails, creating an ideal environment for fungal growth. 

How Long Does It take To Soak Green Nails In Vinegar?

The duration to soak green nails in vinegar can vary, but typically 10-15 minutes should suffice. Ensure the affected nails are fully submerged for optimal effectiveness, then gently pat them dry afterward.


In conclusion, treating green nails at home involves a combination of simple yet effective remedies and preventive measures. By addressing the underlying causes, such as fungal or bacterial infections, individuals can restore the health and appearance of their nails.

Regular cleaning and drying of the nails, along with the use of natural antifungal agents like tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar, can aid in combating the infection.

 Additionally, practicing good nail hygiene, avoiding prolonged wear of acrylic nails, and opting for reputable nail salons with proper sanitation practices are crucial preventive steps.

While home treatments can be effective for mild cases, it’s essential to seek professional guidance if the condition persists or worsens. With diligence and proper care, individuals can successfully treat green nails at home and maintain healthy nail growth in the long run.

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